January 29, 2023
Why? Because...
1 Timothy 3:14-16
8:45 & 11:00am
In person and online
Pastor Cal Fong
Click here to join the livestream broadcasts at 8:30 & 10:45 am.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please email info@ebenezerbaptist.ca or phone (306)249-0084
Mom's Friendship Group
Thursdays 10-11:30am.
This is a place where women with young children can come to experience friendship, encouragement in faith and to pray for each other.
Just drop in on a Thursday, or if you want more information, contact Anna Erickson (306-850-4459) or Camille Siemens (306-222-0704)
Join the Moms of Ebenezer Facebook Group for all updates regarding where we will be meeting each week.
Volunteers Needed for Mom's Group
Our Thursday morning Mom's Group is looking for a couple more people to play with the kids from 10:30-11:30am while the moms do a short study. Sandra Dick leads the kids time and plans the activities so all you have to do is show up and lend a hand! Could you commit to one or two Thursdays a month?
Contact Pastor Grace if you are interested (grace@ebenezerbaptist.ca)
Let It Shine Preschool Open House - Sunday, January 29
You're invited to join our Open House evening!
5-7pm "Come and Go" style
Please use the back entrance of the church (facing McWillie Avenue) to access this event.
Let It Shine Preschool - Fall Applications open!
Let It Shine is now accepting applications for the fall for children ages 3 & 4. There will be 2 options for classes: Tuesday & Thursday or Wednesday & Friday. Class times run from 9:15-11:00am.
For more information, or to register, please email Jennifer Dalton at LetItShinePreschool@gmail.com or call/text 306-514-2773
Parent/Child Dedication Class - Feb 5 @ 10:15am
If you are interested in dedicating your child in the near future, we encourage you to take this class happening on February 5 between the 2 services.
Men's Interchurch Super Bowl Watch Party - Feb 12
The Men's Ministry groups from Ebenezer and Elim are hosting a Super Bowl Watch Party here at the church starting at 5pm on February 12. There is no cost to attend, but there will be a freewill offering taken during the evening to help cover the cost of food. You can sign up by clicking HERE or by texting the word SUPERBOWL to 306-249-0084
Share & Celebrate
We are looking for photos of your major milestones or events that happened in the last year. It can been anything from wedding, births, anniversaries, or even remembering the loss of a loved one.
Please email your photos along with a short description to: info@ebenezerbaptist.ca.
Marriage Ministry
Jesus can transform your marriage outcome from a worst-case scenario to a best-case scenario. Or even move you from good to great! Marriage Builders can help you discover how a commitment to a Christ-centered marriage is possible, whether you are dealing with finances, busyness, children, in-laws, intimacy, or communication.
Contact Andrew or Bev at marriagebuilders@ebenezerbaptist.ca to find out about marriage care groups, seminars, or others who will just walk with you as a coach in your marriage.
Ways to Give
▪E-transfer to giving@ebenezerbaptist.ca (include designation in the message).
▪Click here or phone the church office to set up Pre-Authorized donations through your bank or credit card.
▪Click Here to give online or text GIVE to (306)249-0084.
▪Mail in a cheque.
▪Give via debit, credit, cash, or cheque on Sunday morning. If you have any questions or need assistance please call the church office at (306)249-0084.
Stay Connected/Updated here The Church website (ebenezerbaptist.ca) Facebook (Ebenezer Baptist Church) Instagram (ebcsaskatoon) Text the following keywords to (306)249-0084 to access a variety of options: Church to get connected or give Contact to contact us or subscribe for weekly emails RightNow to get access RightNow Media bible studies Serve to sign up to help those currently in need Prayer to share a prayer request or sign up to be part of the 24/7 prayer group
Parking Lot Team
As our numbers in person on a Sunday increase, we would like to restart our Parking Lot Team. We are looking for people to help direct traffic in our parking lot on Sunday mornings so that we may use it the most efficiently. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Bryan. (bryan@ebenezerbaptist.ca)
Online Business Directory Meeting - January 29 @ 10:15am
Pastor Leyton will be hosting this informational (20 minute) meeting for our current initiative of putting together a mobile business directory. It will assist both our church family as well those in our family that have their own business.
Newcomers Lunch - February 12 @ 12:15pm
If you are new to Ebenezer and would like to know more, please register HERE. A light lunch will be provided.
Right Now Media
Available for FREE for everyone in the Ebenezer family. Click Here to sign up!
Forever In Motion
Mondays and Thursdays at 10am, followed by a coffee time.
These free low-impact fitness classes are for adults ages 50+. Class time focuses on functional fitness, balance, strength, and flexibility,
Ebenezer Running Group - Mondays @ 6pm
5km walk/run/jog. Meet at Rotary park. All ages and skill levels welcome.
Find us on Facebook: EBC Running
We Need You
We are in need of volunteers in the following areas (training will be provided):
*Info Desk
If this is an area in which you can serve, please contact the church office at 306-249-0084 or email info@ebenezerbaptist.ca.