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  • KristinH

Ebenezer Weekly Update - May 27, 2022

This Sunday:


Pastor Leyton Erickson

Click here to join us through our website or click here to join the live YouTube broadcasts starting at 8:45am and 10:45am.


Children's Ministry

The Incredible Race VBS-July 11-15

We are so excited to announce that we will be hosting an in-person VBS here this summer and registrations are now open! Visit our VBS Page for more info or to register.

For announcements regarding Children's Ministries, please join the Ebenezer Children Facebook group


If you are interested in becoming a member, please email or phone (306)249-0084

Women's Ministry-Going Deeper

Tuesdays from 10:00am - 11:30am.

We will be using a DVD/Study Book format for our study called, The Problem of Jesus by Mark Clark.

Jesus upends everything we ever thought about God, ourselves, and what life is all about.

From demons to miracles, heaven and hell, and the purpose of our lives - Jesus speaks to every area of life, even the topics we don't want Him to talk about.

Mom's Friendship Group

Find yourself needing to connect with other moms?

Thursday mornings (10:00am - 11:30am) we will meet at 126 Mulcaster Cres. outside. If there is poor weather, we will meet back at the church.

This will be a casual time of building current friendships and starting new ones.

We will provide a comfortable space, some toys (or bring your own for babies), and coffee (no childcare will be provided at this time).

Any questions or suggestions? Contact or join the Moms of Ebenezer Facebook Group!

Used Toys Needed!

The KidZone room (ages 2 & 3) is in need of some gently used toys for our preschool aged kids. If this is an area that you can help out with, please call or text Jennifer at 306-514-2773.

Share & Celebrate

We are looking for photos of your major milestones or events that happened in the last year. It can been anything from wedding, births, anniversaries, or even remembering the loss of a loved one.

Please email your photos along with a short description to:

Marriage Ministry

Jesus can transform your marriage outcome from a worst-case scenario to a best-case scenario. Or even move you from good to great! Marriage Builders can help you discover how a commitment to a Christ-centered marriage is possible, whether you are dealing with finances, busyness, children, in-laws, intimacy, or communication.

Contact Andrew or Bev at to find out about marriage care groups, seminars, or others who will just walk with you as a coach in your marriage.

Ways to Give

We have had people asking how they can still Tithe & give to the Capital Funds project. There are 4 easy ways:

▪E-transfer to (include designation in the message).

Click here or phone the church office to set up Pre-Authorized donations through your bank or credit card.

Click Here to give online or text GIVE to (306)249-0084.

▪Mail in a cheque. If you have any questions or need assistance please call the church office at (306)249-0084.

Stay Connected/Updated here The Church website ( Facebook (Ebenezer Baptist Church) Instagram (ebcsaskatoon) Text the following keywords to (306)249-0084 to access a variety of options: Church to get connected or give Contact to contact us or subscribe for weekly emails RightNow to get access RightNow Media bible studies Serve to sign up to help those currently in need Prayer to share a prayer request or sign up to be part of the 24/7 prayer group



Newcomers Class - May 29

10:15-10:45am led by Pastor Kelly Wiebe in the Hospitality Center.

Volunteer Appreciation & Farewell For Pastor Kelly - June 5 @ 2:30pm at the Forestry Farm

Everyone is invited to join us as we will share some food, play some ball, and have activities for the children in attendance. Bring your favorite outside games as well as a chair or blanket to sit on.

CLICK HERE to sign up!

The Global Leadership Summit - August 4&5

We are excited to be a host site again for The Global Leadership Summit! Earlybird pricing is currently in effect with special rates available for students as well as those who attend Ebenezer. For more information, please visit our GLS Page.

Ebenezer Running Group - Mondays @ 6pm

5km walk/run/jog. Meet at Rotary park. All ages and skill levels welcome.

Functional Fitness Classes (for ages 55+) motion is an initiative that helps older adults become physically active through fitness classes led by trained volunteers. Physical activity - do it for life!

Classes are FREE and will be held every Monday and Thursday from 10-11am. A time of coffee and connection time will follow each class. Classes will focus on cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility.

Equipment needed: handheld weights and exercise band or tubing. If you do not have equipment, it will be provided for you.

If you need more info, please contact Joanne Gartner at (306)250-5678.

We Need You

We are in need of volunteers in the following areas (training will be provided):





*Info Desk


If this is an area in which you can serve, please contact the church office at 306-249-0084 or email

Here To Serve! Ebenezer Service Men - available to help and assist with needs such as: * Basic construction/renovation * Emergency repairs * Yardwork & maintenance * Other needs...???

Ebenezer Service Men exists to bring men together to serve the greater church family with their skills and abilities. This is not an official ministry/program of Ebenezer and waivers will need to be completed before work can begin. The service men team (arm's length from Ebenezer staff) will process and assess requests and will prioritize/decide based on available skills/trades, manpower, liability factors and the need and situation of those asking (financial, physical, etc.) Not every need can be met but the team(s) will endeavor to do their best to serve others. To contact them click here


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