This summer, VBS looked a little different than usual, but it was still a huge success! In the planning and preparation, we didn’t know what to expect. How many families would sign up? Would they participate and engage online? Nonetheless, we trusted that God would provide and lead the way. Supplies were bought, science packs were made, and people were signing up to engage in five weeks of learning and fun! We started off with a Pick-Up Parade where families drove by the church with cars decorated, and horns honking to pick up their supplies. VBS was officially out of our hands and into the hands of each family and of God. Each week, families could tune into the online program, Faith Lab @ Home, where they could listen to memory verse songs, watch science devotionals, and follow along with some super fun science activities.
On top of the online programming, families could tune in on Ebenezer’s VBS Facebook group to hear from some of their very own RUSH and Sunday School leaders to learn about weekly challenges that they could complete to earn points. There were memory verse challenges, family challenges such as crazy hair day, and extreme challenges such as having an adult eat a worm! Prizes included a “Fun in the Sun” prize basket, a “Family Games Night" prize basket, and 8 candy baskets. With everything online, we were unsure of how families would respond, but we were blown away by the involvement and active participation that we saw God truly provided and lead a way for us. We trust that it was an enriching time where families could learn about God and have fun together. All in all, VBS was a hit, and God was (and is) faithful. It was so fun to see all of the families participating and engaging together. We leave this summer feeling encouraged and blessed.
We want to thank all of our volunteers who sent in videos, helped at the Pick-Up Parade, prepared prize baskets, acted in skits, and everyone else who made VBS possible. We also want to thank our families for signing up and participating; none of this could have happened without you.
Faith Biem & Lynette Siwak